EBO Mid-Drive Wiring Harness (Components/Controller)
Product Specifications
* denotes required field
Component/Controller Wiring Harness Length*
EBO Mid-Drive Water-Resistant Wiring Harnesses for Components to Controller.
- Mid-Drive Components to Controller Length - 1600mm (63in.)
Item Number:
EBO M-D C/C Wiring Harness
Electric Bike Outfitters Mid-Drive Components to Controller water-resistant wiring extension.
Atomic! This small and compact 48V 350W Mid Drive off-road kit is a powerhouse. Averages 30 miles highest pedal assist level and a maximum speed of 25 mph. Range increases significantly to 30-50 miles w/ pedal assist. Kit Details: 48V 350W, 12.8AH.
Atomic! This small and compact 48V 350W Mid Drive motor kit powerhouse with a maximum speed of 25 mph.
Electric Bike Outfitters VLCD13 color display.
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